Our Story

We are coastal Floridians

who believe strongly in preserving our environment and taking action as a personal responsibility. For our two small children, we want to model a respect for our oceans, provide a strong element of environmental education and instill in them the importance of hard work and determination to make a positive influence on our planet.  

Brian, a native Floridian, spent his childhood swimming, scuba diving, fishing, boating, and finding his sense of peace on the water.  He learned much about the environment and how it is affected by pollution through his years as a Boy Scout and a Junior Lifeguard in Pompano Beach.  Heather grew up in Jupiter swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, and loving our Florida beaches.  We adore the marine life of Florida and have a special interest in sea turtles.  Annually, we experience hatchling releases by the incredible marine biologists of Nova Southeastern University with our children.  We strive to educate our children about sea life and marine ecosystems at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton and Loggerhead Marine Life Center in Juno Beach and help them also recognize the harm of plastics to turtles and all marine life.  This led to a realization that we could do something to contribute to our beliefs.   We decided to stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution.

We recognized the need for high quality, biodegradable drinking straws made from sustainable FSC certified paper.  We also want to contribute to the education of the public on the effects of plastic straws and other single use plastics on the marine environment.  So, we created Sustainable Sippers.  In addition, we want to give back by donating a portion of our profits to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Florida, helping to fund turtle and marine life rehabilitation.

You too can be part of the solution by switching to paper and “Earth’s favorite straws.”  Your purchase and use of Sustainable Sippers show how much you care.

Thanks for your support,

Brian and Heather

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