Mission & Movement

Our Mission

To educate and empower consumers to positively influence our environment by providing a high-quality alternative to plastic straws and supporting marine ecosystem preservation.




skip the straw save the sea turtle

Did you know…

The impact that plastics have had on our marine life has been devastating.  There is currently an estimated 150 metric tons of plastic circulating our marine environments with 8 million metric tons adding to that number each year.  Although plastic straws are a small portion of the problem, accounting for about 4% of annual plastic pollution, they represent a great place to start fighting ocean waste.  They are also particularly dangerous to sea life, as they frequently break down into smaller bits called microplastics, making them easy for animals to ingest. 

The anti-straw campaign is one that is gaining momentum at a rapid speed.  The difference it presents is that it is not asking for changes in laws or regulations, but rather, to put the power in the hands of individual consumers by simply asking them to change their habits and choices.

You can choose today to make an impact on the nearly 7.5 million plastic straws found along U.S. shorelines by saying no to plastic straws and choosing Sustainable Sippers as your preferred plastic alternative. 

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